This is THE software to use for bulk scheduling!Neat, compact and easy-to-use.Compatible with Buffer, HootSuite and PostcronThe time-saving SCHEDULE SIMPLIFIER!
HootSuite and Postcron are social media dashboards with tools which facilitate managing and monitoring all social media business under one roof.
They both offer a free alternative, although bulk scheduling isn’t included in HootSuite and Postcron limits it to 10 pending messages.
We recently added support for Buffer (BulkBuffer and BulkPublisher). We also plan on implementing support for all scheduling tools that uses bulk scheduling.
WRENDA is in no way, affiliated with HootSuite or Postcron. (Besides being HootSuite certified and taking advantage of the option, provided to all users, to have an affiliate link to Postcron (you get 10% discount), services that are available for everyone.)